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What is Esports and The Law?
Esports and the Law is a must-read publication for news, case summaries, articles, and strategies concerning esports and the law. Our goal is not just to inform, but to help share solutions with industry participants, including: game publishers, leagues, teams, facilities, sponsors, event promoters.
Headlines from Our Latest Issue
- Activision Blizzard Faces Call of Duty Tournament Monopoly Claims
- Is Your Video Game Account a Bank Account? The CFPB Thinks So
- Florida Schools May Add Competitive Video Gaming to Their Sports Lineup
- Is Esports the Future of Sports Travel Business?
- Study: Children with Autism Benefit from Use of Video Games
- The Return of College Football ‘25
- Blending Competition and Collaboration During an Up-Close Look at Esports
- Hackney Publications Publishes 4th Annual 100 Law Firms with Sports Law Practices You Need to Know About’

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Esports and the Law is a quarterly publication for news, case summaries, articles, and strategies concerning esports and the law.
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